TPI Golf Assessments

At Costa Health, we are experts in body analysis for golfers, having been trained in TPI and various other methodologies for measuring body movements in golfers.

What is TPI (Titleist Performance Institute)?

The Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) has developed a programme to train Golf Professionals, Personal Trainers, Physical Therapists, Chiropractors, and Medical Practitioners to understand the correlation between a golfer's physical limitations and swing flaws. Lower back pain is the most common ailment of golfers of all ages. Based on data collected at TPI from over 31,000 golfers, 28.1% of players deal with lower back pain after every round. It is also the most prevalent complaint amongst professional golfers on all tours (data suggest over 23% play with lower back pain). Understanding the cause of lower back pain requires thoroughly investigating the Body-Swing Connection™.

Let’s delve deeper.

Initially, let's make a bold statement. The lower back is rarely the original source of the pain. It may be the current source, but rarely the root cause. More often than not, abnormal motions or forces from adjacent or distant areas of the body force the lower back into excessive work until it breaks down. In other words, the lumbar spine is often overworked to the point of injury. It's the overused and over-abused worker who keeps going until they break. The lack of mobility in many golfers' ankles, hips, thoracic spine, and shoulders forces the lower back to bear all these excessive loads and is the primary cause of most back injuries. Hence, any discussion about lower back pain should specifically address these areas. When the lower back does break down, typically, one of the following conditions occurs:

  • Muscle Strain or Ligamentous Sprain usually resolves in 2-4 weeks with rest and recovery. However, residual stiffness, fascial restrictions, joint fixations, or movement alterations may need addressing afterwards. Symptoms can range from minor aches to sharp, debilitating pain, usually localised in the lower back region and not radiating into the buttocks or leg. The area around the injury is often sore to the touch, and pain generally subsides with rest.

  • Disc Injury - The lumbar intervertebral disc acts as a spacer and shock absorber. Tears in the disc can lead to bulging or rupture, potentially irritating or compressing spinal nerves and causing pain, often radiating into the buttocks or leg. Sitting for long periods, bending forward, or lifting heavy objects can exacerbate symptoms.

  • Altered Joint Mechanics or Motor Control —The brain can alter the lumbar spine’s movement by altering muscle activation or sequence, leading to chronic problems over time.

  • Degenerative Arthritis — Overuse, abuse, or lack of use can lead to arthritic changes in the spinal joints, causing sharp pain with specific movements and chronic dull pain over time due to inflammation.

  • Bone Fracture — Common in rotational athletes, bone fracture occurs due to rapid extension and rotation of the spine. It can potentially lead to stress or pedicle fractures and result in deep, dull pain and instability in the spine.

Key Questions:

  • How do I prevent lower back injuries?

  • How do I treat an injury once it occurs?

Prevention is paramount.

The best way to prevent lower back injuries in golf is through three main strategies:

  • Normalise Movement Patterns — It is crucial to address mobility in the hips and thoracic spine and assess and correct motion in the ankles and shoulders.

  • Optimise Swing Mechanics — Understanding and correcting common swing characteristics like Reverse Spine Angle, S-posture, and Hanging Back can significantly reduce stress on the lower back.

  • Incorporate Recovery Techniques — Building a solid foundation of strength and maintaining proper mobility is vital for long-term lower back health.

At Costa Health, we are uniquely positioned to assess golfers' body movements and restore movement through manual muscle manipulation, spinal joint manipulation, and tailored home exercises. Partnering with golfing coaches and specialists like Melissa Nichol from Just Marbella Golf, we bring a holistic approach to treating and preventing lower back pain in golfers, ensuring they enjoy a pain-free game.

Meet our Golf Experts
mel nichol
Melissa Nicol
PGA Golf Professional
sarah monaghan chiropractor
Sarah Monaghan
TPI Accredited | Chiropractor
isy fergusson
Isy Fergusson
TPI Accredited | Sports Massage Therapist

Are you serious about improving your golf? Unlock your potential with our 8-week coached programme

nick lofthouse pga pro
Client Testimonial

I am a full-time professional golfer who faced a significant setback due to a serious accident resulting in fractures to my right heel, ankle, and pelvis. Three months into my hospital stay, the realisation hit me – my golfing career seemed over. Despite the efforts of hospital physiotherapists, I struggled to find comfort and faced substantial restrictions in assuming certain golf positions.

Upon being recommended to see Sarah Monaghan, I initially had reservations, but it turned out to be a transformative experience. Sarah not only revitalised my body but essentially gave me a new lease on my golfing career. Her meticulous work across various areas, coupled with the prescribed exercises for home, made a profound difference. I swiftly returned to playing golf at a high standard.

My body is now in peak condition, thanks to Sarah’s ongoing care. I continue to see her to proactively address any potential issues. Recently, I incorporated acupuncture into my treatment, and it worked wonders on my ankle and heel. I wholeheartedly recommend Sarah to anyone facing physical challenges or concerns. I’ve been thoroughly impressed, and my golf swing has never been better

Nick Lofthouse
PGA Tour Golfer

A Case Study on TPI Screening, Body Movement Assessment, and Chiropractic Treatment Improves Golf Performance

John, a 45-year-old golfer, sought help from Sarah after experiencing a decline in his golf performance. After undergoing a full-body assessment, it was discovered that John had limited thoracic and hip rotation on his right side. This limitation was causing inefficiencies in his golf swing and, ultimately, negatively impacting his game.

Sarah used various treatment techniques to improve John's thoracic movement and hip rotation. These included soft tissue release, dry needling, manipulation, and, most importantly, a tailored exercise program for John, focusing on exercises that increased his thoracic and hip rotation.

John had three in-house treatments and followed a 6-week program of exercises. His thoracic and hip rotation significantly improved, and consequently, his golf swing became more efficient, allowing him to hit the ball farther and with greater accuracy consistently. John's experience demonstrates the potential benefits of TPI screenings and chiropractic treatment for golfers seeking to improve their game.


The Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) approach and chiropractic care offer a comprehensive solution for golfers looking to enhance their performance. By identifying physical limitations and addressing them through tailored fitness programs and in-house treatment, golfers can unlock their potential and enjoy a more efficient and powerful golf swing. If you're a golfer looking to step up your game, consider seeking the help of a TPI-certified chiropractor today.

Isy Furgusson is another TPI-trained specialist in golf moment and body analysis. She has also been involved with Golf for many years, having been on tour with many of the European Ladies' and men’s tours. She is due to attend their next event next month.

Being part of the Ladies European Golf Tours demands a keen understanding of golf's unique physical demands on the body, especially for female athletes.

Tailored Treatment for Golfers:

Isy’s approach to sports massage therapy for golfers is nothing short of bespoke. She recognises that amateur and professional golfers require specialised care to address the intricacies of their sport. From targeting muscle tension caused by repetitive swings to addressing posture-related issues, Isy tailors each session to the golfer's individual needs.

Performance Enhancement and Injury Prevention:

Working closely with many golfers, Isy understands the importance of performance enhancement and injury prevention. Her treatments are designed to alleviate current discomfort and enhance muscle flexibility, joint mobility, and overall well-being. This proactive approach ensures golfers can perform at their peak and minimise the risk of injuries that can impede their game.

Holistic Care Beyond the Greens:

Isy’s expertise extends beyond the massage table. She collaborates with golfers, coaches, and other health professionals to provide a holistic care approach. This may include recommending specific exercises, advising on recovery practices, and promoting overall wellness strategies tailored to the demands of competitive golf.

At Costa Health, we’re not just a clinic but your partners in achieving peak performance on the golf course. Contact us today to take the first step towards unlocking your full potential in golf.

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